As seen and first published by the same author on
So you have just moved into your new condo, or perhaps on a relatively smaller, room-for-rent around the metro. No matter the size, like we always say, it’s the performance that matters (chuckles). Yes, you have outperformed yourself! - That you are now ON YOUR OWN.
So how then do we turn our lofts into a bachelor’s pad? Then my man, bookmark my blog as I would soon make a post on that topic. For now, let’s focus on the part of the pad from where WE are the KINGs; our bedroom. Here’s a list of a few man essentials that every bachelor’s den should have. Your bedroom is your ultimate personal space, so make the most out of it without making it look like an old kid’s playroom. Just like I always say, keep it simple but significant.

Lamps. Yes, it’s an essential! One, for reading and secondly, for a warmer mood; try using lamps instead of the conventional on-the-ceiling lighting fixtures. You’d know the difference.

Closets and Hampers. These two goes together, but don’t keep them literally together. As closets are for clean clothes and hampers are for the soiled ones. Keep them both near your shower room though. Also, choose wooden ones over plastic. Good quality wood helps absorb moisture and retain a cool dry environ, keeping the clothes better tucked!
book nook. Now this is debatable, cos others like the bed as there reading venue. The choice is yours. Thing is, get a good organizer to pile your books at. Try Ikea for shelving ideas. Or, you can also get a bigger table so your toys and books could share space.
Vanity Wall. A full size mirror (meaning where you’d fit from head to toe) and an organizer for your essentials. This might not be something that others are comfortable having, but get into the private spaces of career oriented, powerful men and you’d see that this, is a MUST.

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